Regulations Het Wanssums Ven
General fishing regulations of HSV 't Alvertje
Every angler and member of the fishing association HSV 't Alvertje is expected to know and strictly follow these regulations. If you see irregularities, report this to the board or the inspector as soon as possible.
The Wanssums Ven
1.One must be in
possession of a valid permit, fishing pass or day permission from HSV 't Alvertje.
2.Fishing is allowed from 1 hour before sunrise to 1 hour after sunset.
3.At Wanssums Ven, it is forbidden to ride bicycles or mopeds around the ponds, with the exception of the paved access road on the north side of the pond 3.
4.It is allowed to bring the bicycle, moped and / or trailer to the fishing spot, if this is done on foot. Driving a scooter around the pond is allowed, provided that people drive at walking pace and that no nuisance or inconvenience is caused to the fishermen present.
It is not allowed to drive to the fishing spot by car without the permission of the board.
5.If an announced event (or competition) is taking place in a pond, the relevant part of the pond should be left clear.
Before you go fishing, check the signs by the ponds that tell you when there is a fishing event / or fishing competition and which places should be released. Always consult the competition schedule at the shelter. And consult the site of HSV 't Alvertje before leaving for Wanssums Ven.
6. It is prohibited to take caught fish.
7. Live nets are prohibited. An exception to this applies to competitions.
8.On pond 1 - 2 - 4 the rod length is free. Casting rods are allowed.
9. Only white maggots and casters of white maggots may be used. Verse de Vase is not allowed.
10. Imitations of red maggots and ruby ??are allowed.
11. One may have 1 kg of prepared feed + 250 grams of bait per day.
12. Potato products, tiger nuts and uncooked grains are prohibited.
13. When encountering prohibited baits, the fisherman will receive a written warning from the board.
14. Use should be made of the available permanent fishing spots.
15. No more fishing rods may be ready ready than permitted in accordance with these regulations.
16. Excessive use of weak alcoholic drinks around the ponds is prohibited.
17. A total prohibition applies to the use of strongly alcoholic drinks.
18. Making noise and playing mechanical music or making music is prohibited.
19. Deposit waste in the waste bins. If there are no waste bins, take them home.
20. During maintenance work on the pond, you should place your fishing gear in such a way that the
work can be carried out unhindered.
21. Misbehavior against inspectors and / or people performing maintenance work
reported to the board, which will then take appropriate measures.
22. Anyone who does not comply with these regulations will first receive a warning from the inspector. If you repeat, you will receive a letter from the board. If the rules are violated again, the board will impose a sanction by registered letter. This could be the denial of access to the pond complex for a certain period or, in the event of serious and recurring violation of the rules, cancellation.
If you see irregularities, report this to the board or inspector as soon as possible.
For pond 3 (the youth pond) also applies:
1. All members of the Alvertje and holders of a day permit may fish in the youth pond. One must then adhere to the provisions mentioned.
2.The maximum rod length is set at 6 meters (rod + line 12 meters) and fishing with a casting rod is strictly prohibited.
Per fishing day, a maximum of 250 grams of dry food (= 400 grams of prepared food) and 250 grams of bait may be used.
Keep net should not be used when fishing in pond 3.
5. The youth has right of way at all times.
If you see irregularities, report this to the board or inspector as soon as possible.
For carp fishing also applies:
1. Do not fish further than 6 meters to the left and / or right of the chosen fishing spot and up to a maximum of the center of the pond.
2.Every carp angler must carry and use a landing net and unhooking mat.
Preferably put back caught carp immediately.
4. At the request of the inspector, to check for prohibited bait, his rod (s) must be reeled in immediately.
Remote controlled bait boats are only allowed in pond 1, 2 and 4 with written permission
A.T.A. are used.
6. Carp tents with a maximum diameter of 3 meters are allowed in the colors green or camouflage. The tents must be placed within 5 meters of the shore. Only one tent may be pitched per person and only if one is actually fishing at that time.
7 Using or possessing all kinds of nuts and / or uncooked cereals n is prohibited.
8. A carp angler who, for whatever reason, leaves his swim for a certain period of time, is obliged to bring in his line (s) first.
9. In connection with the welfare of the fish, it is preferable to fish with nylon fishing lines and therefore not to use braided lines.
We also request carp anglers to be within 2 to 3 meters of their rods at all times and not to fish too close to the vegetation to prevent fish disappearing into the water plants after being bitten, with all the consequences that entails. More and more damaged carp, tench and bream are being spotted and that can never be the intention.
The following also applies for night fishing:
10.Night fishing is not allowed without an A.T.A. (= combination of night fishing and bait boat permission for the Wanssums Ven).
The permit holder must be at least 18 years old and must not be accompanied during night fishing by persons who are not members of 't Alvertje, by members who are not A.T.A. have or members with an A.T.A. that don't actually fish.
12.Carper tents are allowed, i.v.m. the condition of the underlying grass, standing in the same place for a maximum of 3 days and nights. If you want to stay longer, the tent must be moved.
13. Carp may be kept in a storage bag until sunrise for taking pictures. However, it is best to put the carp back as soon as possible.
14.Waste must be kept in the carp tents or immediately put in the appropriate bins (so no mess around the tent).
15. Excessive use of alcoholic drinks around the ponds is prohibited. There is a total ban on strongly alcoholic drinks. In addition, making noise and playing or making music is prohibited.
16. Irregularities around the fishing pond or shelter must be reported to the inspector or someone from the board.
17. In case of violation of the rules, the A.T.A. immediately withdrawn.
It is certainly not self-evident that a member will be handed an ATA.
1. The association provides a maximum of 300 ATAs in any calendar year, and you must be a member for at least 1 year to apply for this license.
2. The member must be at least 18 years of age to be eligible for an ATA
3.A member who is 12 years of age or older, but younger than 18 years, can only qualify for an ATA if 1 of the parents is a member of the Alvertje and actually does the fishing at the ponds on the Wanssums Ven. this member may only fish in the presence of its father or mother.
4.An uncle, aunt, friend or any other adult does not conform to the above.
If a member does not adhere to the pond regulations of the fishing club Het Alvertje or if the member deviates from the generally applicable standards and values, the ATA can be taken immediately.
This at the discretion of the inspector or board member present.
5.New members can apply for an ATA for the following year until October 1 of the calendar year.
6.The right to this permission for an ATA expires if no membership money has been paid for 1 year.
Under no circumstances will the above list of rules be deviated from.
Do not exchange this permission for the licenses of Sportvisserij Nederland, for which you will receive hologram stickers that are stuck on the back of your VISpas.
These licenses for night fishing or a 3 rd rod are not valid in Wanssums Ven.

As a pond association, we must be careful with the agreements made with the municipality of Venray.
It is a privilege to be allowed to go night fishing on the Wanssums Ven and certainly not a matter of course.
From 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise, people without night fishing permission are not allowed on the grounds of the Wanssums Ven.
2. If an announced event (or competition) is taking place in a pond, the relevant part of the pond should be left clear. Before fishing, look carefully at the signs around the ponds, which indicate when there is a fishing event / competition and which places should be released. Always consult the competition schedule at the shelter.
In ponds 1, 2 and 4 of the Wanssums Ven, a maximum of 1 kg of prepared feed and 250 grams of bait may be used per fishing day. Nor should one have more with them.
There is a total keepnet prohibition (with the exception of special fine-mesh keepnets for competitions in pond 4).
It is prohibited to take caught fish.
6. Driving a scooter around the pond is permitted, provided that people drive at walking pace and that no nuisance or inconvenience is caused to the fishermen present.
If maintenance work is being carried out around the pond, position your fishing equipment so that the volunteers can do their work without hindrance.
8. Misbehavior Against Control Eururs and / or people carrying out maintenance work are reported to the board, which will then take appropriate measures.
9. Anyone who does not comply with the rules will first receive a warning from the controller. He will repeatedly receive a letter from the board and if he still violates rules, a meeting with the board in which he can be denied access to the pond complex or, in case of serious violation of the rules, he can be expelled as a member.
10 Using all kinds of nuts and / or uncooked grains as feed or bait is prohibited.
11. Waste may only be thrown into the existing bins and not next to them.
12. This permit may be revoked in the event of misuse.
In addition, when fishing for predatory fish:
Fishing for predatory fish is allowed in the Wanssums Ven with one rod from 1 September to 1 March.
2.Members under the age of 14 are not allowed to pike.
You may have a maximum of 20 baitfish. They may only be used as dead bait.
For the waters of the Hengelsport Venray foundation, namely the Peelkanaal, the Afleidingskanaal, the overflow pond at the Brükske and the waters at the Metaalweg, the following applies:
1.You may fish with 2 rods.
The rod length is fixed at 6 meters. The total length of rod + line may not exceed twelve meters.
3. Casting rods are allowed.
Per fishing day, a maximum of 250 grams of food and 250 grams of bait may be used or in possession.
5 The use of potatoes or potato products is prohibited.
In canals and streams, one must not be within 25 meters of a structure, weir or measuring device. Anyone who causes damage to the aforementioned items will be held personally liable for this.
7 Dogs must also be leashed here.
8 The use of keepnets is prohibited at "het Brükske".
9.Night fishing is prohibited.
Copyright: the Alvertje Oostrum 2013/2014/2015/2016/2017/2020/2021
HSV 't Alvertje All rights reserved